Shuki's Story

Yehoshua Menachem was born in Jerusalem, on August 8, 1992, to Leah and Dr. Yehiel Hefetz.  He grew up in the old Katamon Neighborhood of Jerusalem on Tchernichovsky Street. His father,  Dr. Yehiel M. Hefetz,  Grand Father, Rav David Hefetz, and Great Grand Father, Rav Israel Hefetz were influential community leaders, and today are registered among the builders of Jerusalem.  

Shuki, as he was known to his friends, was a  humorous strategist, with a determined mind, suave, and very charismatic.

After serving in the AIR FORCE 503 of the IDF, for almost a year and a half in an administrative position, it was with sadness, then,  that Shuki’s ailing father passed away. 

 Immediately, after the period of mourning  for his father, Shuki announced to his family, that due to the death and the void of his father, he felt the need to pursue his dream of becoming a  Combat  Soldier,  A WARRIOR. THE QUESTION was how did he intend to ACCOMPLISH this?  Shuki boldly wrote a humorous, yet courageous letter to the IDF (copy of letter below). It was within three weeks  that shuki was re-enlisted in the IDF Prestigious  Engineering  Corp,  BUT with a price. He had to renounce his RANK FOR OFFICER TRAINING  and start over as a cadet.

Prior to Shuki’s enlistment into  the IDF,  he was well known among his friends in the  Neighborhood, and  Youth Movements of  Ezrat and Bnei Akiva.  He was known for his ability to encourage and motivate others,  persuading them to believe in themselves.  

Shuki  Suavity had no limit, his elegant attires made a statement when he gathered with friends; which complemented his style and sophistication. 

Whenever Shuki encountered someone, he would always be the first to introduce himself. f  His famous LINE was;


QUOTE:  like Louis 14th ( Louis quatorze)” L’Etat c’est moi” I am the state, , without me nothing can happen.

One day after the Shabbat meal, he had to meet up with friends.  His Aunt  who was visiting , watched him   lingering and admiring himself  while looking in the mirror.     She then called out to him and said ”Aren’t your friends waiting for you”?. he tured to her smiling and replied, “DON’T WORRY AUNTY, “ I AM THE GAME, without me there is no play”.

Shuki  fell in the line of  Duty  during  training  Operation on April 18, 2012. he was  Twenty-year-old at the time of his death. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery on Mount Herzl, Jerusalem.  He is survived by his  Mother, two sisters,   half brothers, and half-sisters.

Read more about Shuki in Izkor
To Honor shuki
To Yahalom Foundation